Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Never too old

Jackson got this dang thing for Christmas when he was 2!! I don't know why or how it is still working. It has taken a good beating. I am pretty sure it originally had a cover over the battery, a front bucket and a trailer, all are long gone. The neighbors and cousins come over and hike eachother on it, push it up and down hills when the battery isn't working, I think it has even been rolled once and yes, Codee and I have both rode it. For along time now, prob 6 months, it has been sitting in the garage because I misplaced the charger, until last wknd when I found it right where it is supposed to be. Who knows what happened there. We charged it up and took it out in the backyard and Jackson had a blast! Even if your knees are almost hitting your chest, you are never too old for any form of fun!
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1 comment:

  1. Ok this really cracks me up! I just love how Jackson thinks it is so funny! I am glad he is doing better. Hope Sophie is better too! I also love that Cede is in the picture carrying her leash :)
