Thursday, March 17, 2011

HOW could I forget this?

My cousin and I went on a little road trip to fresno, we ditched the kids (sorry kids) with the in-laws and drove out for a long weekend... alone.

It turns out that there isn't too much to do in our home town for two married mormon girls, so we created our own entertainment.
We had a good time being us:) We rocked with the Beibs, got ready way too many different times, had some good food and some even better inside jokes;)

And this happened...

One night after dinner we had a little extra energy. It started as innocent singing (maybe a little too loud) and somehow turned into a full blown music video. Hair, make-up, wardrobe the whole bit, even a photo shoot to wrap things up. Only one person has that video and she is protecting it with her life!
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

We have entered the World of the Tooth Fairy

I didn't even know it was lose.
He couldn't have been more excited about it.