Monday, May 23, 2011

I freakin' rocked this hills world!!

This is the biggest hill I have ever climbed.
When Codee and I went out riding a few weeks ago I was a little scared at first cause it had been so long since I had been on my bike, even longer since my last time in the sand. I got over it though, I didn't want Codee to make fun of me too much:) So after a few less intimidating hills, some goofing around and watching Codee go up it a few times I finally got up the nerve. And Codee got it on video, SWEET! I like having my triumphs on video just in case anyone is ever doubting my badassedness, cause lets face it, I can be kind of a wuss sometimes. Anyway, I am glad we got out on our bikes again and I am excited to take them camping this weekend.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday, Sunday

This was such a good sunday, and the fact that I actually got some pictures of it, I could not pass up the opportunity of blogging about it. It was the opitomy of a good sunday, in my opinion. It was a while ago, a few months actually:) Claire's blessing to be exact, which is always a nice start to a sunday, church with the whole family! It was perfect weather so after the gathering at the Blackwells we came home for some much needed r&r. That evening we made pizza and mississippi mud (so good) and ate it outside picnic style. (Soph made a mess) The kids LOVE eating outside, we do it often when the weather permits, which suprisingly it has been a lot lately. Lucky us!

Looks good, right?
After dinner we went out front to play with the kids for a while. Soph found some flowers to explore and was entertained for quite some time. I couldn't ruin her good day by wiping her face so she was "pizza face" the rest of the day:)
Jackson was just mastering a new trick (standing up while riding) and showed us countless times how good he was a it, and practiced his pop wheelies, the next trick he conqured. Sophia, as always, was delightfully entertained by everything he did!

At the end of the day we took the kids down to see the horses, Jackson on bike, Codee on scooter, Soph in jogger and me running to keep up:) We pet and fed the horses then rode/ran home for baths and bedtime. Such a nice and relaxing day I had to share it, but I will be honest, mostly I just want to remember how much I enjoyed this laid back day.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Double Duty Post

Not the most eventful Mothers Day but a pretty great weekend on a whole to make up for it:) and a picture of me and my babies (I know, neither are babies) not really a great one since neither of the kids are looking or smiling but a picture nonetheless, so I will take it!
And one shot of this cutie with me cause Jackson was done with the camera, after only one pic, what a butt right? Oh well, I love them and being their mom and our not-so-glamorous, everything-is-half-ass life:)

To Alamo for Easter we went! SO good to have the whole Turley family together again! With all the babies lovin on Uncle Kenny and someone for Codee to make fun of again it was a great weekend. The kids had a good Easter Sunday too, Jackson loves being in Alamo with Ga, Laynie, Papa and Kenny (some of his favs) as much as ever. We had an egg hunt for the kids outside and Sophia totally got the hang of it right off the bat, it was so cute! She ran around collecting eggs till she could find no more, then she dropped one and it busted open...she was shocked!!! Ali and Dean-o were pretty into the whole thing also, I love seeing them together, I think Kim and Dee do too:)

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

He's Back! He's Back!

Jackson has always been close to Kenny, even more so since he lived with us before his mission. When Kenny left he was pretty sad but didn't really get the concept of how long two years was, after about a year though it was really sinking in for him. Seriously, over the past 4-5 months Jackson had been talking more and more about Kenny and almost every night at bed time he would say "I miss Kenny." So it came as no surprise that he was elated when Kenny got home, he really loves his uncle...
what was a little bit of a shock was how much Sophia instantly loved him too! Little miss nothin-to-do-with-strangers was all about Uncle Kenny! From the very first time she met him she was smitten, hugging him, preferring him over Codee or ME! Crazy! Here she is, in his arms (where she spent much of the weekend), showing him her Easter loot:)

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy 6th!

Today, May 3rd, is Jackson's 6th birthday. On Sunday we had a kick butt lego party for him, complete with tons of family and friends ... awesome lego cake (don't look to close there were a few flaws, but the kids thought it was awesome!)... many lego games and contests as we could think of...

...a rockin pinata (wouldn't be a real party w/o one)...

...and so many cute babies the photo ops were endless! (and billy?)

Plus lots of presents, popsicles, and good times! (don't miss Campbell's art work, hint: it's on his face.)
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