Monday, February 21, 2011

Look at What I Did!!

I have always had a thing about guns, I never liked the thought of them being in my house or around my kids, then I realized that I was scarred of them about 2 weeks ago when Codee got out his new pistol to show me, I panicked. I had no idea that I had become afraid of them. I am sure that I was letting it happen and didn't want it to get any worse, so I decided to face it head on...cause I AM NO SISSY!! So, finally today, after 7 years of Codee asking me if I wanted to shoot his guns, I did. I wish that I could say that it was some eye opening, liberating experience but I can't. All I can say is that I did it, I am glad I did and I do feel a little less like a chicky baby when it comes to guns. My heart was racing, I stopped breathing a few times, if it weren't freezing out I probabaly would have had sweaty palms and I think I closed my eyes every time I shot, none the less, I did it! I shot a gun for the first time in my life today, I shot 3 different guns actually and right now I am feeling a little bad ass because of it.

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