Picture taken: Sep. 7, 2010
Once upon a time I had a sweet little princess that did adorable tricks, smiled all day, made everyone laugh and was practically perfect in every way.One day my sweet angel woke up on the wrong side of the crib, she has yet to find the "right" side.Boys run from her, she scowls from sun up to sun down, she will NOT laugh when you try to make her and she even argues with her momma!I am embarrassed when she scratches and hits her cousins, I sometimes cry when her attitude is more than I can handle on my own, I make excuses for her poutty little butt as she waddles away from the nice old couple trying to talk to her.All things considered she is the light of my life.There are 30 redeeming minutes almost every night just before bed. She is the funniest, cutest, sweetest little girl there ever was.*fingers crossed* We make it through this stage and live happily ever after...maybe even with Carson still as a friend:)
I think they are getting along much better lately! They will be friends for life :)