This is my buddy Claire. She is one of my favorite little girls ever! I think I can speak for both of us when I say that this living far apart business is for the BIRDS! I miss seeing this girl and her crazy antics on a daily basis. She is such a cute and sweet little stinker and I think I am going to take her mom up on the offer to keep her with me for a week or two. Her mom offers regularly but I am pretty sure she would change her mind before really letting her go, I think Claire's cuteness is all the sanity her mom gets sometimes;) To say I miss her is an understatement. And I think she feels the same way, here is a little story for proof, incase you needed any;
I flew into Cedar on my way to St. George a while back and Billy picked me up on his way home from work for the weekend. We meet Jay and the kids at a restaurant for dinner. When Bill and I walked in together Claire was so excited to see us both and you could see the struggle of who to reach for first, after going back and forth for a minute...I won!!! She reached for me! I didn't want to rub it in too much but she totally picked me first!! I love you too Claire.
March 15, 2013
I flew into Cedar on my way to St. George a while back and Billy picked me up on his way home from work for the weekend. We meet Jay and the kids at a restaurant for dinner. When Bill and I walked in together Claire was so excited to see us both and you could see the struggle of who to reach for first, after going back and forth for a minute...I won!!! She reached for me! I didn't want to rub it in too much but she totally picked me first!! I love you too Claire.
March 15, 2013