Do you by any chance remember that "suh-pise" I told you about?
The make-up case that Sophia loves dearly?
The make-up case that Sophia loves dearly?
She stills loves it.
Sometimes she can even talk Chloe into loving it with her:)
On this day she was flying solo and you may have noticed, she went TO TOWN with it!
She had so much glitter on herself that there was literally a trail of it floating off of her everywhere she ran outside, and when she jumped on the trampoline it poofed off of her in big glitter clouds and floated across the backyard.
It was me and Jackson anyway, Codee on the other hand, went inside and took a shower. He doesn't love the glitter so much.
We are still shaking the glitter off our clothes in the closet (where she created her masterpiece:)
*She is 2 and a half,
we tricked Jay & her kids into celebrating it with us this year.
*We are "working" on potty training,
wish us luck.
*She is either a super funny sweetheart
or a scratching Miss Bossy Pants.
Either out for this one world.
Hahaha.. Love this girl way too much!!! Don't worry codee, Houman hates the glitter too!