Monday, April 9, 2012

Way Back When...

Way back when I tried to blog about this for the first time and couldn't figure it out, again because of the stupid-dang changes to Picasa, I probably had the whole shebang story and some cool facts about this ghost town Dela Mar that we rode our four wheelers to the last time we were in Alamo. BUT since I have this SO TOTALLY AWESOME rememory all I got now is, the last time we were in Alamo we rode our bikes to this mining ghost town Dela Mar. sweet.
I don't even remember why we were in Alamo.
Oh well, good thing I at least thought to take my camera.

Dee has been coming here for years and has watched the buildings and mining structures that are left slowly crumble away. He gave Jackson all kind of lessons and mostly all kinds of new questions to later ask me...a lot of which I could not answer...."let's remember to ask Papa next time we see him."

I love any time we get to go on a little family ride.
Jackson apparently loves his helmet as he would not take it off the entire time.

There were rows of "houses" built just like this but about 1/4 the size of this one, this was one of the mining buildings with what Codee and Dee think is a secret basement of some sort?

Jackson really thought these caves were pretty dang cool. He wanted to go in one but Codee wasn't going any further than this, I agree but was surprised that Jackson wanted to walk in it, they were pretty small and creepy I thought. He was intrigued with the whole blow up the mountain and get gold concept.

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